Irritable Bowel Syndrome is one of those disorders that are a diagnosis by exclusion - that is, no one identified reason is found. IBS is moderately common as it might affect up to about 15% of the populace, and it is one of the most common digestive complaints individuals go to see a clinician for. The most common sign is interchanging constipation and diarrhea and it might be escorted by an entire range of other symptoms such as exhaustion, depression, gas and bloating, stomach discomfort, anxiety, insomnia, sore muscles and joints, headaches, as well as others. What this suggests right away, is that while the symptoms of IBS might be a sufferer's top health apprehension, there are evidently other systems of the body involved too. So, IBS treatment in Ayurveda encompasses eyeing at your unique health picture accompanying the IBS symptoms, and addressing those consequently along with your digestive system. As far as straight addressing the signs of IBS, the first thing to ...